Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Wes Side

I know I've been linking to Salon a lot lately, and that not everybody has subscriptions like I do, but I can't NOT post a link to a Wes Anderson interview. He's pretty much my favorite working director and all. Can't wait (can't wait!) for Life Aquatic, which opens here in LA in only another week or two, if I'm not mistaken. I would have seen it already if I hadn't quit my PR job, but what can you do? I'm lazy.

Anyway, here's my favorite part of the Wes Q&A:

Definitely the kind of movies I've been doing are movies where, with good luck, there are people who it'll really connect with. And for the same reasons it'll really connect with some of the people, there's a big part of the audience that'll just totally reject it. And I think that with really big studio movies, the idea is to not do that.

When I watch Rushmore, it does sometimes feel like it was a movie made just for me. I've noticed that any movie that touches me emotionally in that way, from Mulholland Drive to Ghost World to Videodrome, tends to have its fair share of detractors. I guess you can only make a movie so personal before it begins to alienate some viewers with dramatically different viewpoints or personalities.

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