Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Dental Cares and Caries

A piece of one of my teeth just came off. I was sitting here at my computer, minding my own, when I noticed some small, hard granule was floating around inside my mouth, where only my tongue should be. It's a significant-sized chunk of one of my molars.

I am literally falling apart. At only 26 years of age, my body has basically grown all it is ever going to. My skin cells and such will regenerate, sure, but my bones aren't growing, I don't have any more teeth coming in, and not only have I stopped discovering hair in new places, but I'm losing it in places I'd really prefer having it. Visible places. Top of my head type places.

It's a depressing thought.

What's more depressing is that I'll have to go to the dentist's office some time next week and have them take a look in there, make sure this is just one of those common everyday tooth-falling-off things, rather than some ongoing plaque concern I should be aware of. And what's even more depressing than that is that everyone at my dentist's office, except for my father, who runs the place, speaks either Korean or with a heavy Korean accent. So, I'll ask, "Is there something I should do to prevent all my teeth from crumbling into useless shards of mouth debris?," and the response will sound like a series of clicks and pops that might as well be a recipe for spicy kim chee with broccoli.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I know someone that can get you a dental appointment in the next few days. You know who to call!