I Find My Lack of Faith Disturbing

I know it's awful small, but click on that picture to make it bigger. Pretty cool, huh?
My thanks to Aint It Cool News for sharing this photo from an upcoming Vanity Fair 4-page layout. They reunited Lucas and a whole slew of actors from both the original and prequel Star Wars trilogies. Now, I have been less than a fan of these past two episodes. But it is encouraging to see Lucas anxiously comparing his latest film to the original three movies.
I've felt that one of the biggest problems with the prequels is that, while they frequently reference the original films, they don't really share their tone or style. The original movies are fast-paced adventure films, whereas these new movies are slowly-paced mysteries about politics and intrigue. I'm hoping Episode III veers back to the classic style.
1 comment:
I don't have a problem with the movies getting political on principle. I like political thrillers as much as anyone.
I have a problem with George Lucas writing an inept series of political thrillers, when it's obvious that his movies are supposed to be adventure/fantasy films. There is NO sense of adventure in the new movies. They are dull...Lucas' attempt to give them an epic scope and to explore the inner workings of the Imperial Alliance fall completely flat. He's just not good at working with this kind of material.
I've talked to many many people who have attempted to lay out for me why these prequels are actually brilliant parables for our own political times...but do you really believe this? I don't want "Star Wars" to try to tell me about President Bush and what's wrong with his system of government. I want them to be fun, engaging, exciting popcorn movies.
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