Friday, January 14, 2005


So, I wrote an article yesterday about how great the new Star Wars game looks, and how I've never played a good Star Wars game, and I received several comments informing me that I'm an idiot who knows nothing about video games.

Fair enough. I don't really know a lot about video games, except they're fun and they sometimes feature an egregious Italian stereotype battling an oversized ape. I like video games, but I've never been really good at them. They require hand-eye coordination, a feature that my parents neglected to provide for me back at the genetics warehouse. I seriously have no hand-eye coordination at all. This is why I cannot dribble a basketball properly, or pilot a car with a stick shift on anything other than a straight-away, or beat any of my friends on any two-person video game ever, even if it's a game I own that they have never played before.

This was particularly humiliating to me as a child and adolescent. Bear in mind, I was already horrible at real-life sports, including popular elementary school pasttime kickball. Kickball is the world's easiest game, and I don't believe I made it on to a base one single time during my entire public school education. So, compound the fact that I throw like a girl and am incapable of making a lay-up with my utter inability to get MegaMan over that last jump and into the lair of the final boss. What do you get? An overweight blogger who likes movies, that's what.

But, back to my original point. I know nothing about video games, despite enjoying them as a light entertainment. I also don't understand how some "gamers" can own so many different games. I mean, I love DVD's, so that cuts into my potential video game purchasing money, but even without DVD's, a new Playstation 2 title costs $50. If you want to try out a new game every other week (not that much for a hardcore gamer), that's $200 a month on a video game addiction.

And I suppose you could just rent games from BlockBuster or something, but their selection is pretty crummy, new games are always checked out, and you only get them for three days, not nearly enough time to really get involved in a great new video game. So, what do you do? Just get a better paying job? Not spend as much money as I do on incidentals like drugs and shelter? Somebody please explain.

1 comment:

mynym said...

"They require hand-eye coordination, a feature that my parents neglected to provide for me back at the genetics warehouse."

Maybe that explains why you're a decent writer. But no Halo tournaments for you. Not on my team, anyway...

As to the cost of video game addiction. A lot of guys just get a mod chip and copy all the games to a hardisk in the X-Box. Download and burn to DVD-R or rent and copy, etc., people do the same with movies. If someone rents a bunch and returns them the same day, they probably copied them.

I don't. I know how to and I did with my old PS2 some. (I shouldn't have.)

But I don't play that much anymore, just Halo sometimes.