Tuesday, March 14, 2006

This is Stupid, Even for Joe Lieberman

I'll be perfectly honest. I had no idea who Joe Lieberman was until Al Gore chose him as a running mate in 2000.

My first thought upon hearing the guy's name was that this was a bad decision, because he's a Jew. I just didn't believe Americans would be willing to vote for a Jewish Vice-President. What if something happened to President Gore? There'd be a Jew in the White House! They already control the banking industry and media...and we've got something in this country called checks and balances.

But as it turns out, I was wrong. Americans did elect a Jewish Vice-President, and then the Supreme Court promptly turned around and said that, no, actually, they didn't, because we can't take the time to count up all the votes that were disregarded, so let's just let this other swell guy take over, what do you say....But that's another story.

I wasn't wrong about nominating this sanctimonious assclown to an important position in the Democratic Party, however. It just turns out that, in addition to allegiance with the Jewish faith, the guy's also a villainous loon. Here's Firedoglake quoting the New Haven Register, which I'd quote directly if it didn't require registration for its website.

I hate website registration. Why should I have to tell you my e-mail address just to read your news article? Either charge people to read your shitty paper or don't...But I really don't need to receive 40 penis enlargement ads per day in my Inbox just for the pleasure of purusing your 500 word piece of Joe Lieberman's latest round of sellout nonsense.

This fight isn't exclusively being drawn along party lines.U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, who often takes a conservative line on social issues, is facing a liberal Democratic primary challenge from wealthy Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont. But that hasn't stopped Lieberman from supporting the approach of the Catholic hospitals when it comes to contraceptives for rape victims.

Lieberman said he believes hospitals that refuse to give contraceptives to rape victims for "principled reasons" shouldn't be forced to do so.

"In Connecticut, it shouldn't take more than a short ride to get to another hospital," he said.

What a compassionate guy! Why, he's swell. He wants a girl who has just been raped to have to research which local hospitals will provide her with the care that she needs. IT'S A HOSPITAL, YOU BOOB! People aren't going there for religious counseling. They're going there because they're in desperate need of emergency medical treatment!

Seriously, if this world were worth a damn, that last sentence would cause this cruel little worm to be drummed out of public life. This is the kind of leadership we want? Twisted old men who want to deny medication to girls who've just been brutally attacked?

I mean, I can't help but think that if these Catholics are simply unable to provide proper medical treatment to a raped girl, they should get out of the hospital business. Why not open a chain of Catholic Bowling Alleys? You won't be asked to provide medicine to the recently-raped there!

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