Monday, April 11, 2005

But Who's Countering?

Technical glitches have got me down. You may have noticed The Inertia went completely offline today for a while, due to further difficulties down there at Blogger headquarters. To be honest, I'm always kind of surprised and delighted when Blogger works properly. I mean, think about it...this company (a division of Google, by the way) has charged me absolutely no fee for anything having to do with Crushed by Inertia at all.

So they're giving away web space for free, which most companies don't really like to do. And there's really no strings attached from what I can tell. I don't get annoying spam because of Blogger, they never hit me up for money or attempt to mess with my service...nothing...

So, I guess I shouldn't complain when something goes haywire down at the blogging factory.

But it does mean that today, when I returned home from the video store, I had to completely redo my blog's template. It didn't take too long, but I did lose the use of the hit counter I used to keep in the corner.

I had installed a hit counter at first just for a general idea of how many people visited the site every day, and now I know. On a slow day, around 20-30. On a normal day, around 50. And it's busted 150 before. Surprisingly, the days where I got mass amounts of traffic, over 100 hits lets say, were always on weekends. This goes against what I would have guessed.

I imagined that most people's blog-reading habits mirrored my own. I first got into reading blogs while working a dull office job in Hollywood. I would spend a good deal of my afternoon flitting around from one blog to another, occasionally posting comments if I thought of something appropriately pithy. Or if someone wrote something nice about Garden State, causing bile to rise to the back of my throat.

I figured most of my visitors would do the same.

But instead, I find I get a lot of, like, random Sunday afternoon traffic. This puzzles me. Who is sitting around at home in the middle of the day on a weekend looking at my blog? I mean, aside from my grandmother. It's just hard for me to imagine.

I figured, I've learned about as much from that hit counter as I ever will. In a few months, if I feel I've built up a larger audience, I may insteall another one to check up on my status. Who knows? Maybe people will stop coming to the site, but I'll keep on writing anyway without ever knowing, and this will become a large, wordy Internet echo chamber, where I type reams worth of insights for no one's benefit but my own.

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