Saturday, May 07, 2005

I Hear New Zealand Is Rather Nice This Time Of Year

I hope so, cause I don't know how much longer us reasonable people can hang out in this bass-ackwards nation. Every time I turn on my Internets, it's the same damn thing. Websites full of insane, self-aggrandizing wingnuts declaring war on everything decent, reasonable and tolerant in American society. Seriously. It's getting depressing. I had to stop doing those John Gibson-Idiocy columns because I couldn't stand reading his inane blather any longer.

And now here's possibly the worst of the bunch. Seriously. If this wasn't linked by reputable blog The Poor Man, I wouldn't believe it's real.

It's a group calling themselves Little Geneva, who are self-described "Reformed Confederate Theocrats." What does that mean, exactly? It means...well, I'll let them tell you themselves...

A Christian Reconstructionist believes God's Law is found in the Bible. It has not been abolished as a standard of Righteousness. It no longer accuses the Christian, since Christ bore its penalty on the cross for him. The Law is a description of God's Righteous character. It cannot change any more than God can change.

God's Law is used for three main purposes:

First, to drive the sinner to the truth in Christ alone, the only perfect Lawkeeper.

Second, to provide a standard of obedience for the Christian, by which he may judge his progress in sanctification.

And third, to maintain order in society, restraining and arresting civil evil.

The problem for the unconverted is not lack of evidence, but a lack of submission. The Christian Reconstructionist begins and ends with the Bible. He does not defend "natural theology", and other inventions designed to find some agreement with covenant-breaking, apostate mankind.

Get it? These guys know for sure that their religion is right. Why? BECAUSE THEY JUST KNOW. And they think my problem isn't that I find God an irrational concept. It's that I refuse to submit to God. And that's why they need to start making laws which force me to do so.

A Christian Reconstructionist is a Dominionist. He takes seriously the Bible's commands to the Godly to take dominion in the earth. This is the goal of the Gospel and the Great Commission. The Christian Reconstructionist believes the earth and all its fullness is the Lord's - that every area dominated by sin must be "reconstructed" in terms of the Bible. This includes, first, the individual; second, the family; third, the church; and fourth, the wider society including the state. The Christian Reconstructionist therefore fervently believes in Christian civilization. He firmly believes in the separation of church and state, but not the separation of the state - or anything else - from God.


And just in case you're reading this and not thinking about how retarded and evil this organization is, let me alert you to the fact that they are also blatant and open racists.

In addition to referring to magazine The National Review as The National ReJew (which, you gotta admit, is kind of clever), on their front page, there are all kinds of nuggets of non-wisdom to be found on this site. Here is a random sampling of dumb sentences:

It still remains to be proved that God has created all men with equal capacities.

In case it needs to be stated plainly, we do not advocate retaliation against anyone for anything. We are reporting on what we believe to be dangers to our way of life, but we do not encourage harrassment.

This one really pisses me off. They have an entire website telling people that non-whites and non-Christians are inherently inferior, and then they have this little tagline hidden in the middle of an article that totally cops out. "Oh, yeah, Jews are horrible, hateful, ignorant people who are condemned to Hell...but I'm just know, don't bother them or anything." What tripe.

Rushdoony adds that colonizers quickly discovered an important difference between white and black men. The black man, he said, only came to appreciate authority if it was imposed by brute force.

I mean, can these guys be so blind? They find it compelling that colonizers commented on how blacks only responded to brute force? I know, I can't even talk about this particular quote any more...It's too stupid. I'm afraid I'm going to get dumber just by acknowledging it.

Anyway, this stuff is really really out there. These people are genuine in their beliefs. This is not an entertainment website.

So, just how long a flight is it to Wellington?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about doing some research on immigration laws as it pertains to Americans planning to apply for citizenship? Also can you check out the air fares, one way? My thinking is that with Senator Frist and Senator DeLay and some of the other "Good Ole Boys" New Zealand is sounding more and more appealing. Oh yeah, don't overlook what is going on in Kansas with the attempt to teach "Creationism" in conjunctioon with "Evolution." My bags are packed and ready to go!!!
Love the "Blog" and have a G'Day.
A Devotee