Sunday, January 15, 2006

Welcome, Racists!

Last year, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I posted a column making reference to former KKK leader Daniel Carver's unfortunate alternative name for the holiday. On the old analog Howard Stern Show, Carver would use the phrase "Martin Lucifer Coon Day" in jest. Disgusting, right? I mentioned it in that context only last year at this time.

Anyway, I noticed today that my blog is experiencing oddly high traffic for a holiday weekend. Usually, I dip well below 100 hits a day on weekends and holidays, but today looks likely to end up in the 140's or higher. Then I realized...I'm the second link to come up if you do a Google search for "Martin Lucifer Coon Day." (And I'm sure this post will only enhance the effect. Oops.)

So, to all my new virulently racist readers, allow me to simply say: welcome! And now that you're here, screw off.

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