Friday, October 28, 2005

The Return of the Curse of the Creature's Ghost

Okay, it's almost Halloween, so that means it's time for long lists of cool scary movies to watch on Halloween night. Even though, near as I can tell, most people spend Halloween throwing together random, half-assed costumes and getting together in some poor fool's house for an extended night spent ingesting various types of alcohol and candy corn. But just in case you want to rent some movies, it's always nice to have suggestions.

Over at the quite frequently hilarious and far more aesthetically pleasing blog Dude Man Phat, Justin has collected the favorite scary movies of a variety of well-spoken bloggers from across the Net (including yours truly). Everyone's picks are pretty terrific, particularly The Changeling! I'd expect Netflix's copies are already reserved for Oct. 31st, but just in case...try to nab that one. Creepy, little-known haunted house flick with George C. Scott! I chose Texas Chainsaw Massacre, mainly because of that incredible final shot with Leatherface ferociously swinging the chainsaw around.

I'll write some more reviews of some cool horror stuff in the next few days, particularly as horror will make up the bulk of my viewing diet between now and All Hallow's Eve. But for now, here's an older post in which I recounted some of my favorite horror films. Any one of these films would make a fine Halloween rental.

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