Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So, yeah, now we all know that Deep Throat was really some FBI guy named Mark Felt, who only spilled the beans about any illegal activity to Woodward and Bernstein in order to centralize power within the FBI (as opposed to the Justice Department). Every blog on Earth is covering this story TO DEATH, and it no longer matters anyway, so I was going to skip it.

But in thinking back on all this Watergate stuff again, one question still bothers me...

If you were Chuck Colson, and you were forming an organization designed to aid Richard Nixon in his 1972 re-election bid, would you really name your group CREEP? That's what they were - The Committee To Re-Elect the President...CREEP.

What's with that? It's a dead giveaway! What do you think Carl Bernstein did the first time he realizes he was investigating an organization called CREEP? That guy must have seen Pulitzers and dollar signs! Master conspirators, these dudes were not.

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