Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Vanishing

No, I'm not reviewing the movie The Vanishing, starring Keifer Sutherland. Though I've seen it, and it's not a great movie.

Oh, crap, I actually did just review the movie The Vanishing. Well, forget about that. It's just a headline, dammit.

What a lovely post I wrote for you all this morning! I had to work at 11:30, so I got up at 10, just to blog and stuff before I showered and went to work. (Just because the customers don't shower doesn't mean I can skip one).

Anyway, I was attacked by a kill-crazy man-eating spider in my bedroom this morning. This spider actually physically leapt from the wall towards me, in an offensive manner, without the even the aid of a web. I didn't know such things were even possible. Tobey Maguire would have stood no chance against this spider. The thing was fired up. He was basically the Jose Canseco of spiderdom.

And after I squished him, I wrote a, quite honestly, completely hilarious blog post about the experience. And guess what, folks? Blogger deleted it. That's right, before I could even post it! I clicked my little button here that says "Publish Post," but Blogger apparently misunderstood the command. It thought I had clicked the "delete most recent post causing you to mash the keyboard in an angry fashion with your left palm" button.

Which is understandable, as it's right there to the left.

So, it was gone, vanished like the remains of that spider. And I went to work with a vaguely dissatisfied feeling.

And that is the end of the story. I tried to provide some amusing reading material for you all today, but was outwitted by technology. So, for those keeping score:

Me - 0
Computers - 5 hundred billion

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