Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Site Seeing

Okay, two sites I want to mention to you all before I totally forget. Which I'm doing a lot these days, because being on codeine is like having one of those Total Recall memory wipes that get cut off halfway through, so you can't figure out if you're working at your job or having a dream in which you are surrounded by evil aliens who want to kill you. (HINT: Most of the evil aliens wanted DVD's, and not whatever the aliens want in Total Recall...I think it's oxygen if I remember correctly.)

Anyway, my brain's on the fritz, I might forget to bring this up later, so I'm posting it now despite not having a larger, amusing topic in which to cleverly work in these two links.

The first is my friend and co-worker Ray's new blog, Ray's Lucky 13, which as it turns out is great. I mean, I'd be linking it regardless, because he's a buddy of mine and very supportive of this here blog...But by freakish coincidence, he's just a great blogger and the site is really funny. Like this post about naming his currently-gestating infant son. Personally, I'm a little sorry he didn't go with his first instinct - Qui-Gonn Manukay. Seriously, everyone in that guy's freshman dorm is going to want to meet him. He might have made it to the front page with a stunt like that.

The second is a guy who already gets way more hits than me, and doesn't need the link, but he totally agrees with me on Crash. So I can't goddamn help myself.

Moriarty from Aint It Cool News absolutely decimates Crash in this fantastic post on his blog, the DVD Shelf. Right on, brutha. I've been shouting about the awfulness of this movie for months now, and just when I felt like everyone in America had been taken in by its shallow platitudes and oversimplified stereotyping, someone else writes a post that's even more venemous and incisive. Sometimes it feels good to be so incredibly right all the time.

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