Friday, July 24, 2009

"Star Wars Concert" to begin US Tour

HD clips from the films run in the background while an orchestra plays music from the films. Oh, and Anthony Daniels narrates and fills in the gaps left in the story.

I don't know...I guess I just don't really get this. Going to a theater to see an orchestra play John Williams music...ok, I get it. Hanging out at home and watching "Star Wars" movies on an HDTV. I get it. Going to a theater to see movie clips and listen to bits of the scores? Hmm...

The one thing I will say is that tickets are apparently pretty reasonable. You'd sort of expect George Lucas to totally gouge people on something like this, but tickets in a lot of arenas start under $40, which for a night out at a concert hall is actually not too bad.

Posted via web from

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