Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The NY Times switched to a hardcore porn rag so slowly, I barely noticed...

The pornographic movie industry has long had only a casual interest in plot and dialogue. But moviemakers are focusing even less on narrative arcs these days. Instead, they are filming more short scenes that can be easily uploaded to Web sites and sold in several-minute chunks.

Fascinating article I can only presume has been held back since 1997 about how porno movies are dispensing with 90 minute plotlines and just becoming collections of 8-10 minute scenes. You know, what with the Internet and all. Wait, did I say fascinating? I meant ludicrously inane. I get those two mixed up.

I'm all for human interest-y stories about pornographic filmmaking. This isn't me being a prude. It's just that this is not news. This is about as far from news as anything I have ever read in any newspaper, including Mervyn's inserts, "missed connection" classifieds and ads for pot doctors.

The inclusion of a plot in a porno doesn't even matter to THE PERSON WATCHING THE PORNO, let alone the public at large.

Besides, the Internet's been a popular place to find pornography for multiple decades at this point. The fact that streaming video isn't the best place to feature 10 minute interludes of bad acting and junior high AV Club-level effects work isn't exactly what you'd consider a Pentagon Papers-level scoop.

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