Friday, July 03, 2009

Leighton Meester, MJ, Billy Mays, @shiralazar a squirrel and me star in TWIYT #52. Take a look!

This was one of the most challenging episodes I've ever had to write because of all the celebrity deaths. I want to reference them, because our show discusses what's buzzy and in the news, and this dominated everyone's attention all week...And I have to at least attempt to be funny, because that's what we do.

But I don't want to make people upset or offend anyone. That's not what I'm about. So I try to find a happy middle ground, a way to mock the situation or the coverage, without making light of people's genuine feelings of loss and sadness. Not easy.

Making fun of Leighton Meester and Asher Roth? Easy.

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