Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Did I miss the 10:30 free pot giveaway?

More than 100 people lined up outside a marijuana dispensary in the San Fernando Valley this morning, lured by the offer of free cannabis for the first 100 patients.

The nonprofit dispensary in Canoga Park,  Roscoe's Compassionate Collective, advertised the offer last week in Kush L.A., a monthly cannabis magazine, with a pull-out coupon for patients with marijuana medical cards and updated prescriptions.

Only 100 people showed up? They must not have done a good job advertising. Later this week, at Comic Con, 100 people will queue up for a chance to get a free "Ben 10" hat. I can't imagine how well a free pot giveaway would go over down there.

This does go to prove my theory, though...The only way to get people to drive out to the Valley is to offer them a lot of free drugs. And even then, it's kind of a challenge, and a lot of them won't bother.

Posted via web from LonHarris.com

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