Thursday, June 04, 2009

House GOP: Ah, screw it...Let's just start letting kids get run over.

Rather than proposing, for example, the elimination of the Education Department, as they have in the past, Republicans are suggesting killing a program that pays for building sidewalks, bike paths and crossing guards as part of the Safe Routes to Schools program. That would save $183 million a year.

Nicely done, gents. That's going to be an easy sell to the average American. After all, no one cares about the safety of their children What alternative is there to just asking kids to get hit by cars and take one for the team? I mean, we don't want to burden the super-rich with an additional 2-3% in income tax! Am I right or am I right?

Other dynamite cuts included in the House GOP's proposal include not maintaining and preserving historic sites and dropping retirement benefits for federal employees.

So...they want oil and meat packing tycoons to be able to pass along lucrative trust funds to their great-grandkids, even if it means abandoning the Lincoln Memorial and shipping off aging former mail carriers to the poorhouse. How did these guys manage to lose the last election with a platform as appealing as that one?

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