Thursday, May 21, 2009

One of the 20 films coming out soon with "9" in the title looks cool (via @sweetums)

Animated movies are just getting more and more dystopian all the time. First, "WALL-E" was set on a future Earth covered in trash, now "9" is set on a future Earth covered in trash and monsters? By 2011, CG animated films will just be set in a pit filled with feces and jagged shards of glass. "The Legend of Shitglass: Chapter the First."

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  1. Would you whine about both films being dystopian if they weren't animated? If not, then why display that bias against animation. Animation is just another medium for film, the same way that black and white and color, or "talkies" and silent pictures are different mediums. Why does it matter that two animated films are dystopian and not that two live action films are (at least two every year I'd say)?

  2. Well, it wasn't really WHINING. More like "humorous observation." I loved "WALL-E," and posted this trailer because I'm looking forward to "9" as well. No one's knocking the art of film animation...
