Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bionic Commando Walkthrough

A lot of new walkthroughs going up at Mahalo this week...We've got a writer started on this new game, "Bionic Commando," which was originally an arcade game from '87 that was turned into an NES game in '88  This new game is a direct sequel to the classic game, and the first full BC game for any next-generation system.  (There was an enhanced remake of the NES game available on Xbox Live Arcade).  I'm not really familiar with the originals...

Haven't had a chance to play it yet, though I've heard the controls are kind of sluggish.  The graphics look pretty cool though, and I'm curious to see what that arm cannon thing does...

You can check out the full walkthrough here on Mahalo:

We're also working on "Velvet Assassin" and "Terminator: Salvation" at the moment.  More to come on those...

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