Saturday, March 14, 2009

Streamy Award Nominees Announced. Congrats to @zadi, @feliciaday, @tayzonday, @alexalbrecht, @garyvee and anyone else I missed!

Lots of great shows among the nominees. On one hand, it's a bit disappointing, conceptually, that SO MANY nominees for web television are stars from...regular television. And movies. Felicia Day aside, shouldn't web shows have their own stars? Otherwise, isn't it just TV that didn't quite make it on to television, as opposed to some new kind of format? But on the other hand, I can't deny that Paul Rudd was hilarious on "Wainy Days," NPH was great in "Dr. Horrible" and though I haven't seen "Gemini Whatever," I'm sure Rosario Dawson was considerably fetching. So I guess the panel behind these selections did the right thing - nominate the best stuff they saw without any kind of outside considerations.
Background and major nominees here:
Full list of nominees here:

Posted via email from lons's posterous

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