Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Perez Hilton: Coming Soon: Plinko Academy

Jada Plinko Smith's controversial school in Calabasas, the New Village Leadership Academy, is thriving!

The actress turned musician turned producer opened the doors to the experimental Scientology Academy last fall after more and more parents requested for their kids to join the home-schooling program Pinkett Smith had started for her two children!

"More and more parents were like, 'Can we come?' Then my house started to fill up. We had like 20 kids and I said, 'We might as well start a school,"' Jada said on the conception of the Academy.

I think that's how Harvard was founded too, right? "Hey, we might as well start a school!"

Based on this article, I can only assume that the Smiths are teaching kids how to discover who they were in past lives or travel to the Omega Quadrant or something. There's no way this is a real school for the learning of actual things. You'd be better off sending your kids to the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good.

Posted via web from lons's posterous

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