Monday, June 02, 2008

I Will Do Anything For a Laugh

DOUBLE UDPATE: The comments on this thing are amazing. I'd say a good 4/5 have generally nice things to say - they enjoyed the video, they find me intensely sexually attractive or they support Leah in the contest. Those other 1/5 are just...well, it's the kind of hilarious obscenity you can only get from YouTube comments.

A lot of them feel the need to inform me of my own latent homosexuality. And I think we can all sympathize. How often have you been watching a clearly comical video on the Internet and thought..."Hey, the gentleman who made this is wearing something typically associated with females, or those of a different body type! He must therefore be gay, and is most likely unaware of his own sexual orientation and proclivities! I think I ought to inform him of such, lest he go through his life not realizing that he was physically attracted to members of his own gender!"

UPDATE: Leah's video may actually be going viral. It has been up for less than 24 hours and is currently showing 25,336 views on YouTube. Holy crap.

Seriously. I mean...this is too far...

Can I please stay on the Internet, please? I promise not to wear any more midriffs.

To be honest, when Leah first suggested it, I was a bit conflicted about this one. Are people laughing with me? Or at me? It took approximately two comments on the Mahalo Daily page for someone to show up and make a cheap shot at my lack of fitness.

In the end, I decided...If it's funny, it's worth doing. Call it the Chris Farley Principle.

By the way, here's Andrea's video from the day before, that was also fun to shoot and features me in a guest role:

Sorry I forgot to post that this morning...Total oversight.

AND of course, there's your Behind-the-Scenes bonus feature:


  1. We're not laughing at you, we are definitely laughing at you. It is all in the spirit of comedy and parody. Though I'm sure it isn't a shock to you to find out that you aren't Mariah Carey you also aren't Chris Farley so there is room to laugh with you, rather than at you. I think you and Leah did an AMAZING job (at first I didn't think it was so great but each time i watch it it grows on me). I really hope she gets picked so that you and her can do even more things like this in the future. Great work man, and as always I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  2. Anonymous4:06 AM

    I'm sure you could work with either of these ladies, but it just feels like you have very good chemistry on-screen with Leah!

  3. Dude as always, you are brilliant!! I will stay on the internet just because of you!! ROCK ON MAN!! :)

  4. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Lon, you're a star! You were so good in Leah's video I found I'd managed to listen to a Mariah Carey track without swearing, no mean feat :-) You did a superb job in the fake interview round too - that was really funny and my favourite part of the whole vlog idol series.

  5. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I'm calling it - you and Leah as co-hosts of Mahalo daily will be the new internet sensation.

    She wins, right? I mean, she was very easily my pick from the beginning. She had me at "what's the nerdiest thing about you?" - "well, I have a degree". (something like that)

  6. You, sir, are brilliant and hilarious and don't let the people of the internet tell you anything else.

  7. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Wait, you mean you didn't already know you were gay? Cause this video soooo totally proves it. Sometimes it just takes some YouTube comments to realize it, though. They're pretty insightful. Before YouTube comments, I didn't know that I resembled Rick Astley or that there was a reason I didn't have a girlfriend.
