Friday, December 28, 2007

What Do You Do That Makes You Famous?

In your face, John Cusack.


  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Hi, I just wanted to leave your a message about how horrible your little blog is. Really, its so gdamn boring. Just thought you might want to know. Good luck, you'll need it. And by the way, looks like I am the only one to leave a comment in like 8 months for you.

  2. So sorry to have wasted your time, Hostile Stranger. I certainly don't intend to gdamn bore people.

  3. Anonymous8:03 PM

    i would just like you to know that anonymous does not stand for all in the world. i like your blog. anonymous you are a disgrace to the name.

  4. Thanks, More Recent and Significantly Less Hostile Stranger...Nice to know there are some good Anonymouses (Anonymi?) still out there.
