Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Jew Eat? Not Did You Eat. Jew Eat? Jew?

In Orangetown, in upstate New York, someone is vandalizing menorahs. In fact, only hours after a rally to protest the initial vandalizing of a large publicly displayed menorah, the same menorah was vandalized again, in the same way. Face.

Oh, and they're probably the same people who have been leaving swaztikas around and distributing anti-Semetic literature.

Now, this doesn't really hurt my feelings. I know that there are people out there who hate Jews for no good reason. Their parents hated Jews for no good reason, or one time someone told them some lie about Jews being behind the 9/11 attacks, or they found out about that whole "killing Jesus" thing. Whatever. It doesn't matter.

I just find it very interesting that this has not made the national news, to the best of my knowledge. The article I've linked there comes from the NY Journal News, which is the local paper for this part of the country. Atrios mentioned it on his blog, which is where I saw it. But with all the noise certain people (okay, Bill O'Reilly) have been making lately about secularists trying to kill of the holiday of Christmas, this is kind of an interesting counterpoint, no?

What I'm trying to say is, this is clearly the work of evil secularists attempting to destroy the holiday of Hannukah, and I for one will not stand for it. I defend my right to distribute latkes in public or spin a dreidel at school, goddammit! Stop trying to oppress me beliefs!

1 comment:

Lons said...

Missed that Newsweek article. I just hate that now, on top of having to deal with all the BS Christmas holiday cheer stuff, we have to deal with Christians who feel their freedom of expression is being oppressed somehow. It makes no sense, people! Open your eyes!