Monday, November 22, 2004

Tom Goes to the Mayor

I watched this new Adult Swim show last night. It's from Bob Odenkirk, one of the stars of the hilarious Mr. Show, among the best sketch comedy shows of all time.

And I just don't get it at all. I mean, I understand the concept. A guy moves to a new town and tries to make business deals with the mayor, who is unfortuantely insane. So that's fine.

But I don't really understand the style. It's all done with still characters over backgrounds, and the characters are made to look mimeographed or something (check out the link to the Adult Swim website for a sample). It's unattractive and kind of hard to watch. Why was it done that way? It certainly doesn't add anything to the show.

Plus, I just don't think it's funny. And I'm perfectly capable of finding non-sequiter antics funny. I like Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sealab on the same network.

It's been a disappointing few months for Williams Street, the production company that stocks Cartoon Network with its most innovative original content. They've failed to deliver a new show of any merit in a while. Could their brief experiment in providing stoners with bizarre late-night cartoons be coming to an end so soon? I hope not, because I'm up late all the time, and I don't like infomercials or Carson Daly.

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